Course Description
Math Specialist
Huzefa Kapadia
Course curriculum
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Data Analysis and Probability
DAP - Assessing the Degree of Overlap of Two Distributions
DAP - Choosing an Appropriate Method for Gathering Data: Problem Type 1
DAP - Choosing an Appropriate Method for Gathering Data: Problem Type 2
DAP - Choosing the Best Measure to Describe Data
DAP - Classifying Likelihood
DAP - Classifying Linear and Nonlinear Relationships from Scatter Plots
DAP - Comparing Sample Means
DAP - Computing Mean Absolute Deviation from a List of Numerical Values
DAP - Computing a Percentage from a Table of Values
DAP - Constructing a Bar Graph for Non-Numerical Data
DAP - Constructing a Box-and-Whisker Plot
DAP - Constructing a Frequency Distribution and a Histogram
DAP - Constructing a Line Plot
DAP - Constructing a Percent Bar Graph
DAP - Constructing a Scatter Plot
DAP - Constructing a Two-Way Frequency Table: Advanced
DAP - Constructing a Two-Way Frequency Table: Basic
DAP - Determining a Sample Space and Outcomes for a Compound Event
DAP - Determining a Sample Space and Outcomes for a Simple Event
DAP - Experimental and Theoretical Probability
DAP - Finding Sample Size and Comparing Samples for Estimating the Mean
DAP - Finding the Mean of a Symmetric Distribution
DAP - Finding the Mode and Range from a Line Plot
DAP - Five-Number Summary and Interquartile Range
DAP - Generating a Random Number Table with Technology to Simulate a Compound Event
DAP - Generating a Random Number Table with Technology to Simulate a Simple Event
DAP - Identifying Outcomes in a Random Number Table Used to Simulate a Compound Event
DAP - Identifying Outcomes in a Random Number Table Used to Simulate a Simple Event
DAP - Identifying Independent Events Given Descriptions of Experiments
DAP - Identifying Outliers and Clustering in Scatter Plots
DAP - Interpreting a Bar Graph
DAP - Interpreting a Double Bar Graph
DAP - Interpreting a Tally Table
DAP - Interpreting a Tree Diagram
DAP - Introduction to Expectation
DAP - Introduction to the Counting Principle
DAP - Introduction to the Probability of an Event
DAP - Making an Inference Using a Two-Way Frequency Table
DAP - Mean of a Data Set
DAP - Mean and Median of a Data Set
DAP - Mode of a Data Set
DAP - Outcomes and Event Probability
DAP - Predictions from the Line of Best Fit
DAP - Probability Involving Choosing from Objects that are Not Distinct
DAP - Probability Involving One Die or Choosing from n Distinct Objects
DAP - Probabilities Involving Two Dice
DAP - Probability of Dependent Events
DAP - Probability of Independent Events
DAP - Range of a Data Set
DAP - Scatter Plots and Correlation
DAP - Sketching the Line of Best Fit
DAP - Understanding Likelihood
DAP - Using a Random Number Table to Simulate a Compound Event
DAP - Using a Random Number Table to Simulate a Simple Event
DAP - Using Box-and-Whisker Plots to Compare Data Sets
DEC - Addition of Decimals: Vertically Aligned
DEC - Additive Property of Equality with Decimals
DEC - Constructing a Venn Diagram to Classify Rational Numbers
DEC - Constructing a Venn Diagram to Describe Relationships Between Sets of Rational Numbers
DEC - Converting a Decimal to a Mixed Number and an Improper Fraction in Simplest Form: Basic
DEC - Converting a Decimal to a Mixed Number and an Improper Fraction without Simplifying
DEC - Converting a Decimal to a Proper Fraction in Simplest Form: Basic
DEC - Converting a Decimal to a Proper Fraction in Simplest Form: Advanced
DEC - Converting a Decimal to a Proper Fraction without Simplifying: Basic
DEC - Converting a Fraction to a Repeating Decimal: Advanced
DEC - Converting a Fraction to a Repeating Decimal: Basic
DEC - Converting a Fraction to a Terminating Decimal: Advanced
DEC - Converting a Fraction to a Terminating Decimal: Basic
DEC - Converting a Fraction with a Denominator of 10 or 100 to a Decimal
DEC - Converting a Mixed Number to a Terminating Decimal: Basic
DEC - Converting a Mixed Number with a Denominator of 2, 4, or 5 to a Decimal
DEC - Converting a Proper Fraction with a Denominator of 2, 4, or 5 to a Decimal
DEC - Decimal Addition with 3 Numbers
DEC - Decimal Addition with 2 Numbers
DEC - Decimal Multiplication: Problem Type 1
DEC - Decimal Place Value: Tenths and Hundredths
DEC - Decimal Subtraction: Advanced
DEC - Decimal Subtraction: Basic
DEC - Division of a Decimal by a 1-Digit Decimal: Problem Type 1
DEC - Division of a Decimal by a 2-Digit Decimal
DEC - Division of a Decimal by a Power of Ten
DEC - Division of a Decimal by a Whole Number
DEC - Identifying Numbers as Integers or Non-Integers
DEC - Identifying Rational Decimal Numbers
DEC - Interpreting a Venn Diagram of 2 Sets
DEC - Introduction to Ordering Decimals
DEC - Multiplication of a Decimal by a Power of 0.1
DEC - Multiplication of a Decimal by a Power of Ten
DEC - Multiplicative Property of Equality with Decimals
DEC - Multiplying a Decimal by a Whole Number
DEC - Multiplying a Decimal Less than 1 by a Whole Number
DEC - Multiplying Decimals Less than 1: Problem Type 1
DEC - Ordering Decimals
DEC - Ordering Fractions and Decimals
DEC - Reading Decimal Position on a Number Line: Tenths
DEC - Reading Decimal Position on a Number Line: Hundredths
DEC - Rounding Decimals
DEC - Signed Decimal Addition and Subtraction
DEC - Signed Decimal Multiplication
DEC - Subtraction of Aligned Decimals
DEC - Using a Calculator to Convert a Fraction to a Rounded Decimal
DEC - Whole Number Division with Decimal Answers
DEC - Word Problem with Addition of 3 or 4 Decimals and Whole Numbers
DEC - Word Problem with Addition or Subtraction of 2 Decimals
DEC - Word Problem with Division of a Decimal and a Whole Number
DEC - Word Problem with Multiple Decimal Operations: Problem Type 1
DEC - Word Problem with Multiplication of a Decimal and a Whole Number
DEC - Word Problem with Subtraction of a Whole Number and a Decimal: Regrouping with Zeros
Equations and Inequalities
EI - Additive Property of Equality with a Negative Coefficient
EI - Additive Property of Inequality with Integers
EI - Additive Property of Inequality with Whole Numbers
EI - Combining Like Terms: Decimal Coefficients
EI - Combining Like Terms: Integer Coefficients
EI - Combining Like Terms: Whole Number Coefficients
EI - Comparing Arithmetic and Algebraic Solutions to a Word Problem
EI - Distributive Property: Fractional Coefficients
EI - Distributive Property: Integer Coefficients
EI - Distributive Property: Whole Number Coefficients
EI - Factoring a Linear Binomial
EI - Factoring a Sum or Difference of Whole Numbers
EI - Graphing a Linear Inequality on the Number Line
EI - Identifying Properties Used to Simplify an Algebraic Expression
EI - Identifying Properties Used to Solve a Linear Equation
EI - Identifying Solutions to a Linear Equation in One Variable: Two-Step Equations
EI - Identifying Solutions to a One-Step Linear Inequality
EI - Identifying Solutions to a Two-Step Linear Inequality in One Variable
EI - Introduction to Factoring with Numbers
EI - Introduction to Properties of Addition
EI - Introduction to Identifying Solutions to an Inequality
EI - Introduction to Properties of Multiplication
EI - Introduction to Solving an Equation with Parentheses
EI - Introduction to Solving an Equation with Variables on the Same Side
EI - Introduction to Solving a Linear Equation with a Variable on Each Side
EI - Introduction to the Distributive Property
EI - Multiplicative Property of Inequality with Integers
EI - Multiplicative Property of Inequality with Whole Numbers
EI - Multiplying a Constant and a Linear Monomial
EI - Solving a Decimal Word Problem Using a Linear Equation of the Form Ax + B = C
EI - Solving a Decimal Word Problem Using a Linear Equation with the Variable on Both Sides
EI - Solving a Decimal Word Problem Using a Two-Step Linear Inequality
EI - Solving a Fraction Word Problem Using a Linear Equation of the Form Ax = B
EI - Solving a Linear Equation with Several Occurrences of the Variable: Variables on Both Sides
EI - Solving a Linear Equation with Several Occurrences of the Variable: Variables on Both Sides and Distribution
EI - Solving a Linear Equation with Several Occurrences of the Variable: Variables on the Same Side
EI - Solving a Linear Equation with Several Occurrences of the Variable: Variables on the Same Side and Distribution
EI - Solving a Two-Step Equation with Integers
EI - Solving a Two-Step Equation with Signed Decimals
EI - Solving a Two-Step Linear Inequality: Problem Type 1
EI - Solving a Two-Step Linear Inequality: Problem Type 2
EI - Solving a Two-Step Linear Inequality with Whole Numbers
EI - Solving a Word Problem Using a One-Step Linear Inequality
EI - Solving a Word Problem Using a Two-Step Linear Inequality
EI - Solving a Word Problem Using a Two-Step Linear Inequality and Describing the Solution
EI - Solving a Word Problem with Two Unknowns Using a Linear Equation
EI - Solving Equations with Zero, One, or Infinitely Many Solutions
EI - Solving for a Variable in Terms of Other Variables Using Addition or Subtraction: Basic
EI - Solving for a Variable in Terms of Other Variables Using Multiplication or Division: Basic
EI - Translating a Sentence by Using an Inequality Symbol
EI - Translating a Sentence into a Multi-Step Equation
EI - Translating a Sentence into a Multi-Step Inequality
EI - Translating a Sentence into a One-Step Inequality
EI - Using Distribution and Combining Like Terms to Simplify: Univariate
EI - Using Two Steps to Solve an Equation with Whole Numbers
EI - Writing an Equation of the Form A(x + B) = C to Solve a Word Problem
EI - Writing an Equation of the Form Ax + B = C to Solve a Word Problem
EI - Writing an Equation to Represent a Real-World Problem: Variable on Both Sides
EI - Writing an Inequality for a Real-World Situation
Exponents, Polynomials, and Radicals
EPR - Adding or Subtracting Numbers Written in Scientific Notation: Same Exponents, Basic
EPR - Adding or Subtracting Numbers Written in Scientific Notation: Different Exponents
EPR - Approximating the Location of Irrational Numbers on a Number Line
EPR - Choosing Metric Units and Converting to the Base Unit in Scientific Notation
EPR - Constructing a Venn Diagram to Classify Real Numbers
EPR - Constructing a Venn Diagram to Describe Relationships Between Sets of Real Numbers
EPR - Converting a Repeating Decimal to a Fraction
EPR - Converting Between Scientific Notation and Standard Form in a Real-World Situation
EPR - Cube Root of an Integer
EPR - Distance between Two Points in the Plane: Decimal Answers
EPR - Dividing Numbers Written in Scientific Notation: Advanced
EPR - Dividing Numbers Written in Scientific Notation: Basic
EPR - Estimating a Square Root
EPR - Estimating Numbers Using Scientific Notation
EPR - Evaluating an Expression with a Negative Exponent: Negative Integer Base
EPR - Evaluating an Expression with a Negative Exponent: Positive Fraction Base
EPR - Evaluating an Expression with a Negative Exponent: Whole Number Base
EPR - Expressing Calculator Notation as Scientific Notation
EPR - Finding the Scale Factor between Numbers Given in Scientific Notation in a Real-World Situation
EPR - Finding Side Lengths of Squares Given an Area and a Perimeter
EPR - Identifying Numbers as Rational or Irrational
EPR - Introduction to Scientific Notation with Negative Exponents
EPR - Introduction to Scientific Notation with Positive Exponents
EPR - Introduction to the Power of a Power Rule of Exponents
EPR - Introduction to the Power of a Power Rule with Negative Exponents: Whole Number Base
EPR - Introduction to the Power of a Power Rule with Positive Exponents: Whole Number Base
EPR - Introduction to the Power of a Product Rule of Exponents
EPR - Introduction to the Product Rule of Exponents
EPR - Introduction to the Product Rule with Negative Exponents
EPR - Introduction to the Product Rule with Negative Exponents: Whole Number Base
EPR - Introduction to the Product Rule with Positive Exponents: Whole Number Base
EPR - Introduction to the Quotient Rule of Exponents
EPR - Introduction to the Quotient Rule with Negative Exponents: Whole Number Base
EPR - Introduction to the Quotient Rule with Positive Exponents: Whole Number Base
EPR - Introduction to the Pythagorean Theorem
EPR - Multiplying Numbers Written in Decimal Form or Scientific Notation in a Real-World Situation
EPR - Multiplying Numbers Written in Scientific Notation: Advanced
EPR - Multiplying Numbers Written in Scientific Notation: Basic
EPR - Ordering Real Numbers
EPR - Power of 10: Negative Exponent
EPR - Product Rule with Positive Exponents: Univariate
EPR - Pythagorean Theorem
EPR - Quotient Rule with Negative Exponents: Problem Type 1
EPR - Scientific Notation with Negative Exponent
EPR - Scientific Notation with Positive Exponent
EPR - Solving an Equation of the Form x² = a Using the Square Root Property
EPR - Solving an Equation of the Form x³ = a Using Integers
EPR - Square Root of a Perfect Square
EPR - Square Root of a Rational Perfect Square
EPR - Square Roots of Perfect Squares with Signs
EPR - Understanding the Power Rules of Exponents
EPR - Understanding the Product Rule of Exponents
EPR - Using a Calculator to Approximate a Square Root
EPR - Using Numerical Methods to Approximate a Square Root to the Nearest Hundredth
EPR - Using Numerical Methods to Approximate a Square Root to the Nearest Tenth
EPR - Using the Pythagorean Theorem Repeatedly
EPR - Using the Pythagorean Theorem to Find Distance on a Grid
EPR - Word Problem Involving the Pythagorean Theorem
FR - Addition or Subtraction of Fractions with Different Denominators
FR - Addition or Subtraction of Fractions with the Same Denominator
FR - Addition or Subtraction of Fractions with the Same Denominator and Simplification
FR - Additive Property of Equality with Signed Fractions
FR - Comparing Fractions by Finding a Common Denominator
FR - Comparing Fractions with the Same Denominator
FR - Conversions Involving Division in Fractional Form and Whole Numbers
FR - Division Involving a Whole Number and a Fraction
FR - Division Involving a Whole Number and a Unit Fraction
FR - Division with a Mixed Number and a Whole Number
FR - Evaluating Expressions with Exponents of Zero
FR - Equivalent Fractions
FR - Exponents and Fractions
FR - Finding the LCD of Two Fractions
FR - Fraction Division
FR - Fraction Multiplication
FR - Identifying Equivalent Signed Fractions
FR - Introduction to Finding Equivalent Fractions: Dividing
FR - Introduction to Finding Equivalent Fractions: Multiplying
FR - Introduction to Fraction Multiplication
FR - Introduction to Non-Unit Fractions
FR - Introduction to Simplifying a Fraction
FR - Mixed Number Division
FR - Multiplication of 3 Fractions
FR - Multiplicative Property of Equality with Fractions
FR - Multiplicative Property of Equality with Signed Fractions
FR - Multiplicative Property of Equality with Whole Numbers: Fractional Answers
FR - Multiplying a Mixed Number and a Whole Number: Problem Type 1
FR - Multiplying a Mixed Number and a Whole Number: Problem Type 2
FR - Multiplying Mixed Numbers: Problem Type 1
FR - Multiplying Mixed Numbers: Problem Type 2
FR - Plotting Fractions Using a Number Line
FR - Product of a Fraction and a Whole Number: Problem Type 1
FR - Product of a Fraction and a Whole Number: Problem Type 2
FR - Product of a Unit Fraction and a Whole Number
FR - Simplifying a Fraction
FR - Signed Fraction Addition or Subtraction: Basic
FR - Signed Fraction Division
FR - Signed Fraction Multiplication: Basic
FR - Signed Fraction Subtraction Involving Double Negation
FR - The Reciprocal of a Number
FR - Word Problem Involving Addition or Subtraction of Fractions with Different Denominators
FR - Word Problem Involving Addition or Subtraction of Fractions with the Same Denominator
FR - Word Problem Involving Fractions and Division
FR - Word Problem Involving Multiplying a Fraction and a Whole Number
FR - Word Problem Involving Fractions and Multiplication
FR - Word Problem Involving Multiplication or Division with Mixed Numbers
FR - Writing a Mixed Number as an Improper Fraction
FR - Writing an Improper Fraction as a Mixed Number
FR - Writing Fractions with a Common Denominator to Add or Subtract
FR - Writing Unit Fractions with a Common Denominator to Add or Subtract
Graphs, Functions, and Sequences
GFS - Choosing a Graph to Fit a Narrative: Basic
GFS - Choosing a Graph to Fit a Narrative: Advanced
GFS - Comparing Properties of Linear Functions Given in Different Forms
GFS - Comparing Proportional Relationships Given in Different forms
GFS - Domain and Range from Ordered Pairs
GFS - Finding Distances between Points that Share a Common Coordinate Given their Coordinates
GFS - Finding Distances between Points that Share a Common Coordinate Given the Graph
GFS - Finding a Solution to a Linear Equation in Two Variables
GFS - Finding Outputs and Rate of Increase Given the Graph of a Line that Models a Real-World Situation
GFS - Finding Outputs of a One-Step Function that Models a Real-World Situation: Two Variable Equation
GFS - Finding Outputs of a Two-Step Function with Decimals that Models a Real-World Situation: Two Variable Equation
GFS - Finding Slope Given the Graph of a Line in Quadrant 1 that Models a Real-World Situation
GFS - Finding Slope Given the Graph of a Line on a Grid
GFS - Finding Slope Given Two Points on the Line
GFS - Finding the Initial Amount and Rate of Change Given a Table for a Linear Function
GFS - Finding the Intercepts and Rate of Change Given a Graph of a Linear Function
GFS - Finding the Slope and a Point on a Line Given its Equation in Point-Slope Form
GFS - Finding the Slope and Y-Intercept of a Line Given its Equation in the Form Ax + By = C
GFS - Finding the Slope and Y-Intercept of a Line Given its Equation in the Form y = mx + b
GFS - Finding the Slope of Horizontal and Vertical Lines
GFS - Finding Where a Function is Increasing, Decreasing, or Constant Given the Graph
GFS - Finding X- and Y-Intercepts Given the Graph of a Line on a Grid
GFS - Finding X- and Y- Intercepts of a Line Given the Equation: Basic
GFS - Function Tables with Two-Step Rules
GFS - Graphing a Linear Equation of the Form y = mx
GFS - Graphing a Line by First Finding its X- and Y-Intercepts
GFS - Graphing a Line Given its Equation in Standard Form
GFS - Graphing a Line Given its Equation in Slope-Intercept Form: Fractional Slope
GFS - Graphing a Line Given its Equation in Slope-Intercept Form: Integer Slope
GFS - Graphing a Line Given its Slope and Y-Intercept
GFS - Graphing a Line Given its X- and Y-Intercepts
GFS - Graphing a Line in Quadrant 1
GFS - Graphing a Vertical or Horizontal Line
GFS - Graphically Solving a System of Linear Equations
GFS - Graphically Solving a System of Linear Equations Both of the Form y = mx + b
GFS - Identifying Direct Variation from Ordered Pairs and Writing Equations
GFS - Identifying Functions from Relations
GFS - Identifying Linear Equations: Basic
GFS - Identifying Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
GFS - Identifying Proportional Relationships in Equations
GFS - Identifying Proportional Relationships in Graphs: Advanced
GFS - Identifying Proportional Relationships in Graphs: Basic
GFS - Identifying Proportional Relationships in Tables by Calculating Unit Rates: Fractions
GFS - Identifying Proportional Relationships in Tables by Calculating Unit Rates: Whole Numbers
GFS - Identifying Solutions to a Linear Equation in Two Variables
GFS - Identifying Solutions to a System of Linear Equations
GFS - Identifying the Solution of Systems of Linear Equations from Graphs
GFS - Interpreting a Line Graph
GFS - Interpreting Direct Variation from a Graph
GFS - Interpreting the Graphs of Two Functions
GFS - Interpreting the Parameters of a Linear Function that Models a Real-World Situation
GFS - Introduction to Using Substitution to Solve a Linear Equation
GFS - Making a Table and Plotting Points Given a Unit Rate
GFS - Plotting a Point in Quadrant 1
GFS - Plotting a Point in the Coordinate Plane
GFS - Reading a Point in Quadrant 1
GFS - Reading a Point in the Coordinate Plane
GFS - Solving a System of Linear Equations of the Form y = mx + b
GFS - Solving a System of Linear Equations Using Elimination with Addition
GFS - Solving a System of Linear Equations Using Substitution
GFS - Solving a Word Problem Involving a Sum and Another Basic Relationship Using a System of Linear Equations
GFS - Solving a Word Problem Using a System of Linear Equations of the Form y = mx + b
GFS - Solving Systems of Linear Equations with 0, 1, or Infinitely Many Solutions
GFS - Table for a Linear Equation
GFS - Table for a Linear Function
GFS - Using Right Triangles to Find the Slope of a Line
GFS - Vertical Line Test
GFS - Word Problem on Direct Variation
GFS - Writing a Direct Variation Equation
GFS - Writing a Function Rule Given a Table of Ordered Pairs: One-Step Rules
GFS - Writing a Function Rule Given a Table of Ordered Pairs: Two-Step Rules
GFS - Writing an Equation and Drawing its Graph to Model a Real-World Situation: Advanced
GFS - Writing an Equation and Drawing its Graph to Model a Real-World Situation: Basic
GFS - Writing an Equation in Point-Slope Form Given the Slope and a Point
GFS - Writing an Equation in Slope-Intercept Form Given the Slope and a Point
GFS - Writing an Equation of a Line Given its Slope and Y-Intercept
GFS - Writing an Equation of a Line Given the Y-Intercept and Another Point
GFS - Writing an Equation to Represent a Proportional Relationship
GFS - Writing and Evaluating a Function that Models a Real-World Situation: Advanced
GFS - Writing and Evaluating a Function that Models a Real-World Situation: Basic
GFS - Writing the Equation of the Line through Two Given Points
Lines, Angles, and Polygons
LAP - Acute, Obtuse, and Right Angles
LAP - Acute, Obtuse, and Right Triangles
LAP - Creating Triangles from Given Side Lengths: Problem Type 1
LAP - Creating Triangles from Given Side Lengths: Problem Type 2
LAP - Determining if a Triangle is Possible Based on Given Angle Measures
LAP - Determining if Given Measurements Define a Unique Triangle, More than One Triangle, or No Triangle
LAP - Drawing an Angle with the Protractor
LAP - Drawing Triangles with Given Conditions: Angle Measures
LAP - Establishing Facts about the Angles Created When Parallel Lines are Cut by a Transversal
LAP - Establishing Facts about the Interior and Exterior Angles of a Triangle
LAP - Establishing Facts about the Interior Angles of a Triangle
LAP - Finding an Angle Measure for a Triangle with an Extended Side
LAP - Finding an Angle Measure Given a Triangle and Parallel Lines
LAP - Finding an Angle Measure Given Extended Triangles
LAP - Finding an Angle Measure in a Figure with a Right or Straight Angle
LAP - Finding an Angle Measure of a Triangle Given Two Angles
LAP - Finding Angle Measures Given Two Parallel Lines Cut by a Transversal
LAP - Finding Angle Measures Given Two Intersecting Lines
LAP - Identifying Corresponding and Alternate Angles
LAP - Identifying Supplementary and Vertical Angles
LAP - Introduction to Angle Addition
LAP - Measuring an Angle with the Protractor
LAP - Solving Equations Involving Angles and a Pair of Parallel Lines
LAP - Solving Equations Involving Vertical Angles
LAP - Using Triangle Inequality to Determine if Side Lengths Form a Triangle
LAP - Writing an Equation to Find Angle Measures of a Triangle Given Angles with Variables
LAP - Writing and Solving an Equation Involving Complementary or Supplementary Angles
PER - Applying the Percent Equation: Problem Type 1
PER - Computing Percentages for Categories of a Budget
PER - Converting a Fraction to a Percentage: Denominator of 4, 5, or 10
PER - Converting a Fraction to a Percentage: Denominator of 20, 25, or 50
PER - Converting a Fraction to a Percentage in a Real-World Situation
PER - Converting a Fraction with a Denominator of 100 to a Percentage
PER - Converting a Percentage to a Fraction with a Denominator of 100
PER - Converting between Percentages and Decimals
PER - Estimating a Tip without a Calculator
PER - Finding a Percentage of a Total Amount in a Circle Graph
PER - Finding a Percentage of a Total Amount: Real-World Situations
PER - Finding a Percentage of a Total Amount without a Calculator: Sales Tax, Commission, Discount
PER - Finding a Percentage of a Whole Number
PER - Finding a Percentage of a Whole Number without a Calculator: Advanced
PER - Finding a Percentage of a Whole Number without a Calculator: Basic
PER - Finding Benchmark Fractions and Percentages for a Figure
PER - Finding Simple Interest without a Calculator
PER - Finding the Final Amount Given the Original Amount and a Percentage Increase or Decrease
PER - Finding the Multiplier to Give a Final Amount after a Percentage Increase or Decrease
PER - Finding the Percentage Increase or Decrease: Advanced
PER - Finding the Percentage Increase or Decrease: Basic
PER - Finding the Rate of a Tax or Commission
PER - Finding the Sale Price Given the Original Price and Percent Discount
PER - Finding the Sale Price without a Calculator Given the Original Price and Percent Discount
PER - Finding the Total Amount Given the Percentage of a Partial Amount
PER - Finding the Total Cost Including Tax or Markup
PER - Introduction to Converting a Decimal to a Percentage
PER - Introduction to Converting a Percentage to a Decimal
PER - Using a Calculator to Convert a Fraction to a Rounded Percentage
PER - Writing a Ratio as a Percentage
PER - Writing a Ratio as a Percentage without a Calculator
Perimeter, Area, and Volume
PAV - Area Between Two Concentric Circles
PAV - Area Between Two Rectangles
PAV - Area Involving Rectangles and Circles
PAV - Area Involving Rectangles and Triangles
PAV - Area of a Circle
PAV - Area of a Parallelogram
PAV - Area of a Piecewise Rectangular Figure
PAV - Area of a Trapezoid
PAV - Area of a Triangle
PAV - Circumference and Area of a Circle
PAV - Circumference of a Circle
PAV - Classifying Solids
PAV - Demonstrating the Converse of the Pythagorean Theorem
PAV - Distinguishing Between Surface Area and Volume
PAV - Distinguishing Between the Area and Circumference of a Circle
PAV - Distinguishing Between the Area and Perimeter of a Rectangle
PAV - Finding the Area of a Composite Figure on a Grid
PAV - Finding the Area of a Right Triangle on a Grid
PAV - Finding the Area of a Trapezoid on a Grid by Using Triangles and Rectangles
PAV - Finding the Missing Length in a Figure
PAV - Finding Side Lengths of Rectangles Given One Dimension and an Area or a Perimeter
PAV - Finding the Radius or the Diameter of a Circle Given its Circumference
PAV - Finding the Side Length of a Cube Given its Volume
PAV - Identifying Horizontal and Vertical Cross Sections of Solids
PAV - Identifying Side Lengths that Give Right Triangles
PAV - Informal Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem
PAV - Introduction to Area of a Piecewise Rectangular Figure
PAV - Nets of Solids
PAV - Surface Area of a Cube or a Rectangular Prism
PAV - Surface Area of a Cylinder
PAV - Surface Area of a Triangular Prism
PAV - Using a Net to Find the Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism
PAV - Using a Net to Find the Surface Area of a Triangular Prism
PAV - Volume of a Cone
PAV - Volume of a Cylinder
PAV - Volume of a Piecewise Rectangular Prism
PAV - Volume of a Pyramid
PAV - Volume of a Rectangular Prism
PAV - Volume of a Rectangular Prism Made of Unit Cubes
PAV - Volume of a Sphere
PAV - Volume of a Triangular Prism
PAV - Word Problem Involving the Area of a Rectangle: Problem Type 2
PAV - Word Problem Involving the Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism
PAV - Word Problem Involving the Volume of a Cone
PAV - Word Problem Involving the Volume of a Cylinder
PAV - Word Problem Involving the Volume of a Piecewise Rectangular Prism
PAV - Word Problem Involving the Volume of a Rectangular Prism
PAV - Word Problem Involving the Volume of a Sphere
PAV - Word Problem on Finding the Area of a Piecewise Rectangular Figure
PAV - Writing Equivalent Expressions for the Volume of a Rectangular Prism
Ratios, Proportions, and Measurement
RPM - Choosing Metric Measurement Units
RPM - Choosing U.S. Customary Measurement Units
RPM - Computing Unit Prices to Find the Better Buy
RPM - Converting between Metric and U.S. Customary Unit Systems
RPM - Finding a Missing Side Length Given Two Similar Triangles
RPM - Finding a Scale Factor: Same Units
RPM - Finding a Unit Price
RPM - Finding Lengths Using Scale Models
RPM - Finding Missing Values in a Table of Equivalent Ratios
RPM - Identifying Congruent Shapes on a Grid
RPM - Identifying Similar or Congruent Shapes on a Grid
RPM - Indirect Measurement
RPM - Metric Distance Conversion with Decimal Values
RPM - Metric Distance Conversion with Whole Number Values
RPM - Relationships about Ratios within and between Similar Triangles
RPM - Reproducing a Scale Drawing at a Different Scale
RPM - Similar Polygons
RPM - Similar Right Triangles
RPM - Simplifying a Ratio of Whole Numbers: Problem Type 1
RPM - Solving a One-Step Word Problem Using the Formula D = RT
RPM - Solving a Proportion of the Form x/a = b/c
RPM - Solving a Proportion of the Form x/a = b/c: Basic
RPM - Solving a Word Problem on Proportions Using a Unit Rate
RPM - Time Unit Conversion with Whole Number Values
RPM - U.S. Customary Length Conversion with Whole Number Values
RPM - U.S. Customary Volume Conversion with Whole Number Values
RPM - U.S. Customary Weight Conversions with Whole Number Values
RPM - Using a Scale Drawing to Find Actual Area
RPM - Using a Table of Equivalent Ratios to Find a Missing Quantity in a Ratio
RPM - Using Tables to Compare Ratios
RPM - Word Problem on Proportions: Problem Type 1
RPM - Word Problem on Unit Rates Associated with Ratios of Fractions
RPM - Word Problem on Unit Rates Associated with Ratios of Mixed Numbers
RPM - Word Problem on Unit Rates Associated with Ratios of Whole Numbers: Decimal Answers
TR - Determining if Figures are Congruent and Related by a Sequence of Transformations
TR - Determining if Figures are Congruent and Related by a Transformation
TR - Determining if Figures are Related by a Dilation
TR - Determining if Figures are Related by a Reflection
TR - Determining if Figures are Related by a Rotation
TR - Determining if Figures are Related by a Translation
TR - Determining if Figures are Similar and Related by a Sequence of Transformations
TR - Dilating a Figure
TR - Dilating a Segment and Giving the Coordinates of its Endpoints
TR - Drawing Lines of Symmetry
TR - Finding an Angle of Rotation
TR - Finding Angle Measures of a Triangle Given Two Angles of a Similar Triangle
TR - Finding the Coordinates of a Point Reflected Across an Axis
TR - Finding the Coordinates of a Point Reflected Across an Axis and Translated
TR - Finding the Coordinates of a Point Reflected Across Both Axes
TR - Identifying and Naming Congruent Parts of Congruent Triangles
TR - Identifying Rotational Symmetry and Angles of Rotation
TR - Identifying Transformations
TR - Identifying True Statements About Rational and Irrational Numbers
TR - Properties of Reflected Figures
TR - Properties of Rotated Figures
TR - Properties of Translated Figures
TR - Reflecting a Point Across an Axis
TR - Reflecting a Point Across an Axis and Giving its Coordinates
TR - Reflecting a Point Across Both Coordinate Axes
TR - Reflecting a Polygon Across the X-Axis or Y-Axis
TR - Rotating a Figure About the Origin
TR - Rotating a Point and Giving its Coordinates
TR - The Effect of Dilation on Side Length
TR - Translating a Point and Giving its Coordinates: One Step
TR - Translating a Point and Giving its Coordinates: Two Steps
TR - Translating a Polygon
TR - Writing a Rule to Describe a Dilation
TR - Writing a Rule to Describe a Reflection
TR - Writing a Rule to Describe a Rotation
TR - Writing a Rule to Describe a Translation
Whole Numbers and Integers
WNI - Absolute Value of a Number
WNI - Adding 3-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
WNI - Adding 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping a Hundred
WNI - Adding 3 Numbers with 2, 3, and 4 Digits
WNI - Adding 3 or 4 Numbers with 2 Digits with Regrouping
WNI - Addition and Subtraction with 3 Integers
WNI - Additive Property of Equality with Integers
WNI - Additive Property of Equality with Whole Numbers
WNI - Area of a Rectangle on a Grid
WNI - Area of a Rectangle with One-Digit Side Lengths
WNI - Area of a Rectangle with Two-Digit by One-Digit Side Lengths
WNI - Computing and Understanding Distances Between Integers on a Number Line
WNI - Computing the Distance Between Two Integers on a Number Line
WNI - Describing an Increasing or Decreasing Pattern from a Table of Values
WNI - Division Involving Zero
WNI - Division of Whole Numbers Given in Fractional Form
WNI - Division with No Remainder and a Two-Digit Divisor: Problem Type 2
WNI - Division with Regrouping: 1-Digit Divisor, 2-Digit Dividend
WNI - Division with Regrouping: 1-Digit Divisor, 3 or 4-Digit Dividend
WNI - Estimating a Product
WNI - Evaluating a Formula
WNI - Evaluating a Linear Expression: Integer Multiplication with Addition or Subtraction
WNI - Evaluating a Quadratic Expression: Integers
WNI - Evaluating an Algebraic Expression: Whole Number Addition or Subtraction
WNI - Evaluating an Algebraic Expression: Whole Number Multiplication or Division
WNI - Evaluating an Algebraic Expression: Whole Numbers with One Operation and an Exponent
WNI - Evaluating an Algebraic Expression: Whole Numbers with Two Operations
WNI - Even and Odd Numbers
WNI - Exponents and Integers: Problem Type 1
WNI - Factors
WNI - Finding Opposites of Integers
WNI - Greatest Common Factor of 2 Numbers
WNI - Identifying a Sum as a Point Located a Given Distance from Another Point
WNI - Identifying Relative Change When Combining Two Quantities
WNI - Identifying Solutions to a One-Step Linear Equation: Problem Type 1
WNI - Identifying Solutions to a One-Step Linear Equation: Problem Type 2
WNI - Integer Addition: Problem Type 1
WNI - Integer Addition: Problem Type 2
WNI - Integer Multiplication and Division
WNI - Integer Subtraction: Problem Type 1
WNI - Integer Subtraction: Problem Type 2
WNI - Integer Subtraction: Problem Type 3
WNI - Introduction to Exponents
WNI - Introduction to Inequalities
WNI - Introduction to Multiplication of Large Numbers
WNI - Introduction to Order of Operations
WNI - Introduction to Parentheses
WNI - Introduction to Solving an Equation with Multiplication or Division
WNI - Least Common Multiple of 2 Numbers
WNI - Least Common Multiple of 3 Numbers
WNI - Multiples: Problem Type 1
WNI - Multiples: Problem Type 2
WNI - Multiplication as Repeated Addition
WNI - Multiplication of 3 or 4 Integers
WNI - Multiplication of Large Numbers
WNI - Multiplicative Property of Equality with Integers
WNI - Multiplicative Property of Equality with Whole Numbers
WNI - Multiplying 2-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers with Regrouping: Problem Type 2
WNI - Multiplying Multi-Digit and 1-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
WNI - Operations with Absolute Value: Problem Type 1
WNI - Order of Operations with Integers
WNI - Order of Operations with Whole Numbers
WNI - Order of Operations with Whole Numbers and Exponents: Basic
WNI - Ordering Integers
WNI - Ordering Large Numbers
WNI - Perimeter of a Polygon
WNI - Perimeter of a Square or a Rectangle
WNI - Plotting Integers on a Number Line
WNI - Plotting Opposite Integers on a Number Line
WNI - Power of 10: Positive Exponent
WNI - Quotient with Remainder: 1-Digit Divisor, 2-Digit Dividend
WNI - Rounding to Hundreds or Thousands
WNI - Rounding to Tens or Hundreds
WNI - Subtraction Involving 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping
WNI - Subtraction and Regrouping with Zeros
WNI - Subtraction with Multiple Regrouping Steps Involving 3-Digit Numbers
WNI - Subtraction with Multiple Regrouping Steps Involving 4-Digit Numbers
WNI - Subtraction of 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
WNI - Translating a Phrase into a One-Step Expression
WNI - Translating a Phrase into a Two-Step Expression
WNI - Translating a Sentence into a One-Step Equation
WNI - Using a Number Line to Compare Integers
WNI - Whole Number Division: 2-Digit by 2-Digit, No Remainder
WNI - Whole Number Division: 3-Digit by 2-Digit, No Remainder
WNI - Whole Number Place Value: Problem Type 1
WNI - Word Problem on Unit Rates Associated with Ratios of Whole Numbers: Whole Number Answers
WNI - Word Problem with Addition or Subtraction of Integers
WNI - Word Problem with Addition or Subtraction of Whole Numbers
WNI - Word Problem with Multiplication and Addition or Subtraction of Whole Numbers
WNI - Word Problem with Multiplication or Division of Integers
WNI - Word Problem with Multiplication or Division of Whole Numbers
WNI - Writing a One-Step Expression for a Real-World Situation
WNI - Writing a Signed Number for a Real-World Situation
WNI - Writing an Equation and Solving a Multiplicative Comparison Word Problem
WNI - Writing Expressions Using Exponents